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ABOUT  Dix Camelot Farms


MR. Shawn Crooks is our farm farrier. and he is here every 4 and 6 weeks  to trim and shoe the horses.

You are welcome to make arrangements for him to care for horse or  you are welcome to use your own farrier.

Growing up on Long Island, N.Y. with parents that were not at all involved with horses was a challenge for this child whose every sentence contained the words horsey and pony in it !  Luckily, my mother was very willing to try to make my  dreams  happen, so our local riding stable received ,on their door step, a little pig tailed girl  about 4 years old to

" do something with".

I was very fortunate to have the  stable owners and horse handler adopt me as their official barn rat. I was tossed on a horse in a Calvary saddle and began learning from the owner/ ex Calvary man how to ride. No irons and no reins and so the love began. I soon began riding the owners' family private horses and rode 5 gaited Saddlebreds and Morgans and lucky for me was that the assistant was an ex Polo Pony handler and had connections, so add some great polo ponies to the horses I got to enjoy. I spent every day off from school there for the next 13 years.

Time passed with marriage and children, and when I was in my early  30's , we  moved to the Catskills where I established my horse farm.  As luck would have it, I also had a child that was horse world bound and began her future there on that farm riding and eventually training and showing our  Morgan horses at Regional and rated breed shows. 

I trained riders, bred Morgans, boarded horses and brokered them. I was a riding instructor  and found myself in the position of county 4-H horse program chairperson and show manager for the area horse club. That lasted only a short couple of DECADES. 

I had a break from the horse industry and enjoyed watching my daughter show and train her own, and after 11 years in South Florida, I moved to Cottonwood Alabama with my husband, and found the most beautiful location that reminded me of that horse farm in NYS.  I had not intended to be back in the industry but along came my daughter who established her farm right here. I caught the bug again and helped her ,when the need arose ,with her horses doing chores. As life will happen, and evolve, she moved to establish her farm in Lithia Florida and left me here with lots of time on my hands! It did not take long to find myself caring for special needs horses and loving every minute of it.

I do have extensive experience with  wounds and care, having been an RNC for decades, teaching wound care for humans  and as a  Medic in EMS for 20 years. . I am not easily upset with emergencies and with 40 years with horses, there are not many situations that I have not had experience with.

With the experience in caring for high maintenance show and trail horses, I have gained experience with the care needed to board horses that usual stables would not want to care for. I go the extra distance to do everything I can to keep the horses in the best of health.

Dix Camelot Farms is a very different type of boarding facility. We are all about horse care. 


Call me for an appointment to tour the farm:  


or e-mail me at: 


Visit me at Face book Dix Camelot Farms Horse Boarding


1221 D Hodge Rd.  Cottonwood, Al 36320





Dr. Robert Syfrett of Taylor, AL is one of our equine veterinarians.



Dr . Hank Lee of Atmore , AL is our equine specialist for our special needs horses that will be seen in his clinic



website created by Mici Arnold-Dix for Dix Camelot farms

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